Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Understanding Student Loan Debt Consolidation

When student needs financial assistance to get through college, student loans can be beneficial. The problem comes later, when the student has graduated and accumulated a great deal of debt. They often have multiple loans with more than one lender, which can make repayment even scarier. So, how can someone in this predicament breathe a little easier? By getting a student loan consolidation!
Loan consolidation is beneficial in that it compiles debt into one loan with one lender. Once the consolidation has taken place, the student only has one payment to worry about, which can make things a lot easier where repayment is concerned. It can be very stressful to have 2 or more bills being due monthly, especially when the individual loans add up to a large debt.
What's even better is your student loan consolidation will typically have better repayment options. Credit checks are not need with most consolidation companies, and you don't need a cosigner to take advantage of this service.
It is important to note that a consolidation should only be done when it will help lower the interest rate of your loans. This will assist in you paying a smaller bill each month, making the debt more manageable. If you have almost completed the repayment, however, consolidation would probably not be a wise decision for you.
In order for you to be eligible to consolidate the student loans you currently have, there are a few factors to consider. You can receive a consolidation if:
  • You have loans totaling $7500 or more
  • You have not gotten a loan consolidation in the past
  • You haven't received any new loans
  • You have loans with more than 1 lender
  • You are in or beyond your 6 month grace period given after graduation
If you choose to do a student loan consolidation, it is important to remember you can only do it once. The exception is if you return to college and accept new loans.
To learn more about student loan consolidation and other financial advice, please click the link!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Repayment Loans - A Common Choice For Students

A repayment loan is common for students. They (hopefully) have the capability to pay back the money they borrowed after they graduated from their course and have found jobs to pay back their loan.
For non-students and unemployed, it is hard for them to find repayment loan since they don't have an income to pay back if they have their loan. Well say, there are some financial institution who offer loan to them but with high interest rate.
For this, the non student or unemployed have a hard time paying back because as they found a job, they are paying an interest rate for their repayment loan. Usually the problem in here is the term of repayment. The longer you find a work, the higher is your interest rate will be.
There are 2 modes of repayment loan, the unsecured and the secured. In unsecured, most of the lender or financial institution will just give you shorter terms and they can give you higher interest rate since it's just a short term and no collateral is needed, while in secured, you can avail or obtain large amount of money, longer in term of payment, low interest rate but with collateral which is a property or asset.
Although there are some programs for repayment loan given by the government but it has a condition as well as term but with low interest rate and provided that you are also a member of some group.
Here are some steps for you to know before you get a repayment loan:
  • Think if it is really needed for you to get a loan. If you need a small amount, try to borrow from your relatives and friend and pay them back when you have the money.
  • Plan it well, do some research since it is a good idea if you have some knowledge in regards to repayment loans. Is it wise to have a repayment loan or not.
  • Get a free quote online through the internet and compare the interest rate and terms, do some window shopping which financial institution that offers best deal for your needs.
  • Don't be in a hurry to jump on having a repayment loan. If possible, it is better to have a second opinion to someone who is close to you, your parents, elder brother or sister, relatives or friends.
  • Always think or be aware that if ever you cannot pay back the money you borrow, what will be the outcome and the problem you will have.
Be wise and if in case you want to get a loan, be sure you got some profit with the money you borrow since you will be paying an interest and other fees too. Remember that financial institution and banks mean business.
Any type of loan can be good because they can help but you have to think it too if your income can compensate with the payments of your loan. Remember that you have to eat 3 times a day, have monthly bills to pay for your home such as electric bill, water bill and other bills.
One way to help is by lowering the interest rate on your repayment loans. You can do with this when you compare rates online at sites like http://repaymentloans.org. Click on the links above to get started.